The series “Niewybuch” approaches the world of military camps and uniform classes, which have experienced a massive influx in Poland in recent years. In addition to the teaching of military basics, children and young people are indoctrinated there with obedience and patriotism through play. The young male and female soldiers appear like play figures, their frozen facial features concealing any emotion and thus raising the question of the emotional effects of military education. Between fake blood, drill and the unreserved handling of weapons, the tension between the childlike search for adventure and the excesses of the Polish military cult is addressed.
Natalia Kepesz. Born in 1983. Lives and works in Berlin. After studying cultural studies and art history at the Humboldt University in Berlin, she studied photography at the Ostkreuzschule Berlin. She is a member of Women Photograph. Her work has been awarded various prizes. Among others, she placed third in the World Press Photo Contest 2021, won the residency prize at the Portraits — Hellerau Photography Award 2021 and is a laureate of gute aussichten — junge deutsche fotografie 21/22.