The series by Andreas Rost was created in Kabul in 2007. Rost approached the situation on site intuitively. His classic black-and-white images are convincing both for their deliberately subjective language and for their poetry. They convey a feeling of everyday life in Afghanistan and at the same time give an impression of the prevailing patriarchal structures.
In one photograph, we look down on Kabul from TV Hill, site of the ISAF headquarters, together with the Afghan photographer Zabi. The diagonal road leads to the ruins of the Royal Palace past the Russian Embassy. The scenario is embedded in a majestic mountain range, a haze lies like a veil over the plain. The photograph breathes history. It looks harmless, yet every detail tells of life in Afghanistan. Not least of all of Zabi, who fell victim to a rake-ten attack. Like this picture, every photograph in this series has a story inscribed in it. In addition, Rost makes excerpts from his diary from 2007 accessible in the exhibition. The complete project is available in book form.
Andreas Rost. Born in Weimar in 1966, he was a member of the Round Table of the City of Leipzig as a civil rights activist. He studied at the HGB Leipzig with Arno Fischer and Evelyn Richter. With a group of international artists he founded the Kul-turhaus Tacheles. Since 1993 he has been working as a freelance photographer and artist. From 2003 to 2020 he was a representative of the ifa Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations. Since then he has been teaching at the weißensee kunsthochschule berlin. Andreas Rost is represented by the gallery Collection Regard.