“To say that life in a city moves quickly is an understatement,” says photo artist Zhou HanShun. “People go through life at an uncompromising, chaotic pace, overcoming and absorbing everything in their path. Time in the city seems to pass more quickly. Memories in the city tend to fade faster.”
Nothing seems to stand still in a city. According to a UN report, the world’s population will grow to 10 billion by 2050, with three-quarters of humanity living in cities. This photo project explores the intense and chaotic environment of one of the most densely populated cities in the world: Hong Kong. Created with multiple exposures on a single black and white negative, the photographs in this series show not just a single moment, but a multitude of moments captured in a single image.
Zhou HanShun. Born and raised in Singapore. After graduating from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore and RMIT University, he made a living as an art director and continues to pursue his passion as a visual storyteller and photographer. His photographs explore humanity, culture and spirituality in the urban environment. His work is exhibited internationally.